研究方向:Cognitive and Behavioural Neuroscience, Neuropsychology, and Neuropsychopharmacology
Trevor has been Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge from 1997. He was also Professor of Expt. Psychology and Head of the Dept. of Psychology from 2002-2017. He has been based in Cambridge for most of his scientific career, receiving his PhD there in 1975. He is a Fellow of the British Psychological Society (1990), the British Pharmacological Society (2017) the Academy of Medical Sciences (2000), and the Royal Society (2005), the most prestigious science society in the U.K. He has published over 950 full papers, with an H index of about 208 (Web of Science). He has co-edited nine books, most recently The Neurobiology and Treatment of OCD; Accelerating Progress (Springer, 2016)). He edits Psychopharmacology (since 1980) and Current Opinion in the Behavioral Sciences and is an editorial advisor for Science. Trevor directs the 'Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute' (BCNI) (founded in 2005 with funding from the MRC and Wellcome Trust) the mission of which is to enhance translation from basic to clinical neuroscience with particular reference to impulsive-compulsive disorders including drug addiction. His interest in translation began with his co-invention in 1987 of the CANTAB computerized neuropsychological battery, which is currently used in over 700 institutes and clinical centres world-wide. Among several prizes, he received the Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award for 2011 from the American Psychological Association. He was made a CBE in the New Year's Honours list of the U.K. in 2012 "for services to medical research". In 2014 he shared the 'Brain Prize' of the Grete Lundbeck European Brain Research Foundation, the most valuable in neuroscience, for his work on human mental disorders. In 2015 he received the "Lifetime Achievement Award" of the British Association for Psychopharmacology. In 2016, he received the Robert Sommer Award for research into schizophrenia. In 2017 received the Gold Medal of the Society for Biological Psychiatry (USA) for work on cortico-striatal systems and their modulation, and the Patricia Goldman-Rakic Award for outstanding research in Cognitive Neuroscience. Most recently, he was made a William James Fellow by the Association of Psychological Science, and was rated number 1 scientist internationally in 2023 for both Psychology and Neuroscience by research.com.
Key publications:
1. Everitt, B.J. & Robbins, T.W. (2016) Drug Addiction: Updating Actions to Habits to Compulsions Ten Years On. Annual Review of Psychology, 67, 23-50
2. Robbins TW, Vaghi MM, Banca P. (2019) Obsessive-compulsive disorder: Puzzles and Prospects Neuron 102, 27-47
3. Bari, A. & Robbins, T.W. (2013) Inhibition and impulsivity: behavioral and neural basis of response control. Progress in Neurobiology, 108, 44-79
Publications (Recent selected):
1. Biria M, Banca P, Healy MP, Keser E, Sawiak SJ, Rodgers CT, Rua C, Pereira de Souza AMFL, Marzuki A, Sule A Ersche KD, Robbins TW. (2023 in press) Cortical glutamate and GABA are related to compulsive behaviour in individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder and healthy controls. Nature Communications.
2. C, Xiang S, Shen C, Peng X, Kang J, Li Y, Cheng W, He S, Banaschewski T, Barker GJ, Bokde ALW, Bromberg U, Büchel C, Desrivières S, Flor H, Grigis A, Garavan H, Gowland P, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Martinot JL, Martinot MP, Nees F, Orfanos DP, Paus T, Poustka L, Fröhner JH, Smolka MN, Walter H, Whelan R, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW, Schumann G, Jia T, Feng J. (2023)A shared neural basis underlying psychiatric comorbidity.Nature Med. doi: 10.1038/s41591-023-02317-4.(Online ahead of print)
3. Friedman NP, Robbins TW.(2022)The role of prefrontal cortex in cognitive control and executive function.Neuropsychopharmacology. 47(1):72-89.
4. Turner KM, Svegborn A, Langguth M, McKenzie C, Robbins TW. (2022)Opposing Roles of the Dorsolateral and Dorsomedial Striatum in the Acquisition of Skilled Action Sequencing in Rats.J Neurosci. 9;42(10):2039-2051.
5. Kanen JW, Apergis-Schoute AM, Yellowlees R, Arntz FE, van der Flier FE, Price A, Cardinal RN, Christmas DM, Clark L, Sahakian BJ, Crockett MJ, Robbins TW. (2021)Serotonin depletion impairs both Pavlovian and instrumental reversal learning in healthy humans.Mol Psychiatry. 2021 26(12):7200-7210.
6. Duan LY, Horst NK, Cranmore SAW, Horiguchi N, Cardinal RN, Roberts AC, Robbins TW. (2021)Controlling one's world. Identification of sub-regions of primate PFC underlying goal-directed behavior Neuron 109(15):2485-2498.
7. Ersche KD, Lim TV, Murley AG, Rua C, Vaghi MM, White TL, Williams GB, Robbins TW. (2021)Reduced Glutamate Turnover in the Putamen Is Linked With Automatic Habits in Human Cocaine Addiction.Biol Psychiatry. 15;89(10):970-979.
8. Jia T, Xie C, Banaschewski T, Barker GJ, Bokde ALW, Büchel C, Quinlan EB, Desrivières S, Flor H, Grigis A, Garavan H, Gowland P, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Martinot JL, Martinot MP, Nees F, Orfanos DP, Poustka L, Fröhner JH, Smolka MN, Walter H, Whelan R, Schumann G, Robbins TW, Feng J. (2021)Neural network involving medial orbitofrontal cortex and dorsal periaqueductal gray regulation in human alcohol abuse.Science Advances. 3;7(6):eabd4074.
9. Alsiö J, Lehmann O, McKenzie C, Theobald DE, Searle L, Xia J, Dalley JW, Robbins TW.(2021)Serotonergic Innervations of the Orbitofrontal and Medial-prefrontal Cortices are Differentially Involved in Visual Discrimination and Reversal Learning in Rats.Cereb Cortex5;31(2):1090-1105.
10. Ersche KD, Meng C, Ziauddeen H, Stochl J, Williams GB, Bullmore ET, Robbins TW.(2020)Brain networks underlying vulnerability and resilience to drug addiction.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 30;117(26):15253-15261.
11. Lüscher C, Robbins TW, Everitt BJ. (2020)The transition to compulsion in addiction.Nature Rev Neurosci.;21(5):247-263.
12. Hervig ME, Fiddian L, Piilgaard L, Božič T, Blanco-Pozo M, Knudsen C, Olesen SF, Alsiö J, Robbins TW. (2020)Dissociable and Paradoxical Roles of Rat Medial and Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex in Visual Serial Reversal Learning.Cereb Cortex 14;30(3):1016-1029.
13. Ing A, Sämann PG, Chu C, Tay N, Biondo F, Robert G, Jia T, Wolfers T, Desrivières S, Banaschewski T, Bokde ALW, Bromberg U, Büchel C, Conrod P, Fadai T, Flor H, Frouin V, Garavan H, Spechler PA, Gowland P, Grimmer Y, Heinz A, Ittermann B, Kappel V, Martinot JL, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Millenet S, Nees F, van Noort B, Orfanos DP, Martinot MP, Penttilä J, Poustka L, Quinlan EB, Smolka MN, Stringaris A, Struve M, Veer IM, Walter H, Whelan R, Andreassen OA, Agartz I, Lemaitre H, Barker ED, Ashburner J, Binder E, Buitelaar J, Marquand A, Robbins TW, Schumann G; IMAGEN Consortium.Nat (2019)Identification of neurobehavioural symptom groups based on shared brain mechanisms.NatureHum Behav.;3(12):1306-131.
14. Brand M, Wegmann E, Stark R, Müller A, Wölfling K, Robbins TW, Potenza MN. (2019)The Interaction of Person-Affect-Cognition-Execution (I-PACE) model for addictive behaviors: Update, generalization to addictive behaviors beyond internet-use disorders, and specification of the process character of addictive behaviors.Neurosci Biobehav Rev.;104:1-10.
15. Kanen JW, Ersche KD, Fineberg NA, Robbins TW, Cardinal RN. (2019)Computational modelling reveals contrasting effects on reinforcement learning and cognitive flexibility in stimulant use disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder: remediating effects of dopaminergic D2/3 receptor agents.Psychopharmacology (Berl). 236(8):2337-2358.
16. Zmigrod L, Rentfrow J and Robbins TW. (2018) Cognitive underpinnings of nationalistic ideology in the context of Brexit. Proc. Natl. Acd. Sci. USA 115(19):E4532-E4540.
17. Vaghi MM, Luyckx F, Sule A, Fineberg NA, Robbins TW, De Martino B. (2017) Compulsivity Reveals a Novel Dissociation between Action and Confidence. Neuron. 96(2), 348-354.
18. Robbins TW, Costa RM. (2017) Habits. Curr Biol., 27(22), R1200-R1206.
19. Vaghi MM, Vertes PE, Kitzbichler MG, Apergis-Schoute AM, van der Flier FE, Fineberg NA, Sule A, Zaman R, Voon V, Kundu P, Bullmore ET, Robbins TW. (2017) Specific Frontostriatal Circuits for Impaired Cognitive Flexibility and Goal-Directed Planning in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Evidence From Resting-State Functional Connectivity. Biol Psychiatry, 81(8), 708-717.
20. Apergis-Schoute AM, Gillan CM, Fineberg NA, Fernandez-Egea E, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW. (2017) Neural basis of impaired safety signaling in Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 114(12), 3216-3221.
21. Dalley JW, Robbins TW. (2017) Fractionating impulsivity: neuropsychiatric implications. Nature Rev Neurosci.,18(3), 158-171.
22. Ersche KD, Gillan CM, Jones PS, Williams GB, Ward LH, Luijten M, de Wit S, Sahakian BJ, Bullmore ET, Robbins TW. (2016) Carrots and sticks fail to change behavior in cocaine addiction. Science, 352(6292), 1468-71.
23. Barnett JH, Blackwell AD, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW. (2016) The Paired Associates Learning (PAL) Test: 30 years of CANTAB Translational Neuroscience from Laboratory to Bedside in Dementia Research. Curr Top Behav Neurosci., 28, 449-74.
24. Voon, V., Derbyshire, K., R¨¹ck, C., Irvine, M.A., Worbe, Y., Enander, J., Schreiber, L.R., Gillan, C.,Fineberg, N.A., Sahakian, B.J., Robbins, T.W., Harrison, N.A., Wood, J., Daw, N.D., Dayan, P., Grant, J.E., Bullmore, E.T. (2015) Disorders of compulsivity: a common bias towards learning habits. Molecular Psychiatry, 20(3), 345-52.
25. Rygula, R., Clarke, H.F., Cardinal, R.N., Cockcroft, G.J., Xia, J., Dalley, J.W., Robbins, T.W., Roberts, A.C. (2014) Role of central serotonin in anticipation of rewarding and punishing outcomes: effects of selective amygdala or orbitofrontal 5-HT depletion. Cerebral Cortex, 25(9):3064-76.
26. Gillan, C.M., Robbins, T.W. (2014) Goal-directed learning and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 369(1655). pii:20130475.
27. Eisenegger C, Naef M, Linssen A, Clark L, Gandamaneni PK, M¨¹ller U, Robbins TW. (2014) Role of dopamine D2 receptors in human reinforcement learning. Neuropsychopharmacology, 39(10), 2366-2375.
28. Kehagia AA, Housden CR, Regenthal R, Barker RA, Muller U, Rowe J, Sahakian BJ, Robbins TW. (2014) Targeting impulsivity in Parkinson's disease using atomoxetine. Brain, 137(Pt 7), 1986-97.
29. Fernando, A., Urcelay, G., Mar, A., Dickinson, A., Robbins, T. (2014) Free-operant avoidance behavior by rats after reinforcer revaluation using opioid agonists and D-amphetamine. Journal of Neuroscience, 34(18), 6286-93.
30. Gillan, C.M., Morein-Zamir, S., Urcelay, G.P., Sule, A., Voon, V., Apergis-Schoute, A.M., Fineberg, N.A., Sahakian, B.J. & Robbins, T.W. (2014) Enhanced avoidance habits in obsessive-compulsive disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 75(8), 631-8.